Why I Choose to Stay Abroad After Covid


Many have asked if I plan to stay in China or abroad after Covid is officially gone or controlled, and the answer is YES! This is unpopular opinion, but, the US isn’t all that great. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE and I’m grateful that I was born in the US. Even as a black woman, I have a ton of privilege that a lot of my fellow Americans don’t even realize they have.

I am choosing to stay abroad a bit longer, because my goals for what I want in life can’t be achieved in America. Crazy right? People come to the US seeking a better future. It’s supposed to be the greatest nation in the world, and for some it is!!! Everyone’s different. For me, it’s little things like the lack of affordable health care, lack of Affordable education, gender wage gap, guns and the list goes on are a few of my main reasons for leaving. Sure, every country has their issues. I get that no where is perfect, but when making a decision like this, I had to think about what’s important to me in my life, what I’m willing to give up and most importantly what I’m going to gain. For my current situation without going into details, my pros outweigh my cons for living abroad for the next few years. Especially if Trump gets re-elected you can count on me being gone for his 2nd term.

After living abroad, traveling around for 10 months and speaking to people from all walks of life, I finally understand why a lot of people leave the US to make a life in other countries or split their time between the US and other places. Travel really opens your eyes to a world of possibilities.