Things To Know Before You Go to Big Buddha in Thailand


Recently, I visited Big Buddha in Phuket, Thailand. It’s MASSIVE! Here are something’s you should know before you go.


Do not wear spaghetti straps or tub tops

I know! Phuket, Thailand is HOT AS HELL! However, Big Buddha is a religious site. So, you must cover up your shoulders or wear straps that are thick like what I’m wearing in my photo. If you don’t have a top that covers your shoulders appropriately, they sell scarves below the religious site that you can purchase before going up!

Go Early

Like I mentioned above, it’s really hot in Phuket. The statue is located at the peak of the mountain. So, there is practically no shade. Going early before the sun hits it’s peak, will help you avoid the heat! Also, you will avoid the crowds!

Taking a taxi up to Big Buddha in Phuket, Thailand

Taking a taxi up to Big Buddha in Phuket, Thailand

Take a Taxi

Now, many people would argue and say renting a motorbike and riding up there yourself is cheaper. I agree! I am all for riding my own bike! Trust me! However, the route up to the site isn’t the safest! So, if you aren’t an experienced driver, I wouldn’t recommend it. A taxi ride usually cost around 600-800 baht round trip. The best part about the service is that the driver waits for you for an hour and takes you back to your hostel or hotel!

Don’t Bring Food

Don’t bring food to eat, because there are a lot of wild monkeys that roam the religious site. They can get aggressive if they feel they can grab whatever food you have in your hand. The site won’t be responsible for any injuries, because there are signs posted everywhere warning you not to take out food that might attract the monkeys. You have been warned. Simply bring a bottle of water to keep cool and wait until you’re back in town to each lunch!


Take lots of pictures and have fun!